Our Mission and Vision


To be an institution based on the principles of continuous improvement and excellence, where the health services we offer are human-oriented, the patient and employee satisfaction is at the highest level,the knowledge is produced, applied, and spread in the field of health sciences with the advanced technology, and where the academic studies are allowed; and also to be an institution that is preferred in terms of service quality, honored to be a member, and adopts international standards.


To be a modern and reliable health institution pioneering in Turkey and a reference health institutionin the world within the field of healthcare service provision and education by keeping patient, patient relative and staff satisfaction at the highest leveland by having human-orientedmedical services with accredited excellence model contributing to scientific studies.


To provide the hospital services and hospital structuring required by clinical medical education by keeping patient and employee safety at the forefront, using modern diagnosis and treatment methods, based on Service Quality Standards, environmentally sensitiveat national and international standards.