What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment method that is applied to the patient who is completely pressurized in a pressure chamber, by breathing 100% oxygen intermittently.
What is a pressure chamber How is HBOT applied?
HBOT is a treatment method applied in completely closed pressure chambers. After the patients enter the pressure chambers, the doors are closed and the pressure of the chamber is increased by injecting air. When it reaches a pressure of 2-2.5 times the current atmospheric pressure, 100% oxygen is breathed into the patient through a mask, cap or endotracheal tube at that pressure. In the meantime, there is a health worker in the pressure chamber and ensures the adaptation of the patients to the treatment. At the same time, patients are followed by external monitors. In our clinic, we have the capacity to treat 12 patients sitting at the same time, and 2 patients on stretchers, with a multi-person pressure room. The patients are called 1 hour before the treatment, the dressings are made, the treatment is explained, then the treatment is started by placing the patients in the pressure chamber. Patients stay in the pressure chamber for 2 hours. There is also a single pressure room in our clinic.
What do patients feel during treatment?
During the increase in pressure by injecting air into the pressure chamber, the patients feel a fullness in the ears, as is felt during the landing on an airplane journey. Patients should make an ear opening movement during this time. In other words, they try to equalize the pressure in the middle ear with the external pressure by swallowing, or by closing the nose and blowing air.
How long does the treatment take?
Although an HBOT session varies according to the case, it usually takes 1.5-2 hours. Most of the patients receive treatment once a day. However, in some emergencies, the number of daily sessions can be up to four. The total number of sessions varies according to the disease.
Are there any side effects of the treatment?
The most common side effect is the effect of pressure change on the ears and sinuses. This situation is not dangerous and can be avoided by learning pressure equalization methods. Other side effects are very rare and can be listed as oxygen toxicity, claustrophobia (fear of being in a closed place) and temporary myopia.
How does HBOT work?
During HBOT, a high amount of oxygen dissolves in the plasma of patients and the amount of oxygen going to the tissues increases. With hyperbaric oxygen therapy; • The amount of oxygen dissolved in the plasma increases • The oxygenation of hypoxic tissues is ensured • The growth of anaerobic bacteria is stopped • The effectiveness of some antibiotics increases • The edema decreases thanks to vasoconstriction • It prevents the cytotoxic effect in carbon monoxide poisoning • The leukocyte activation in the wound area is strengthened • It provides new vessel formation (angiogenesis) in the wound area • Wound stimulates the formation of connective tissue in the area
In which diseases is HBOT used?
• Decompression sickness (highlight) • Air and gas embolism • Carbon monoxide, cyanide poisoning, acute smoke inhalation, • Gas gangrene • Necrotizing infections of soft tissue (subcutaneous, muscle, fascia, fascia) • Crush injuries, compartment syndrome and other acute traumatic ischemias. • Delayed wound healing (diabetic and non-diabetic) • Chronic refractory osteomyelitis • Radiation necrosis • Suspected skin flaps and grafts • Thermal burns • Brain abscess • Anoxic encephalopathy • Sudden hearing loss • Retinal artery occlusion • Skull bones, sternum and vertebrae acute osteomyelitis • Osteonecrosis