Since the vascular development in the retinal layer of the eye is not completed in preterm infants with ROP, abnormal vessel development occurs, and as a result, bleeding, scar tissue and retinal detachment may develop that may result in blindness. But these abnormal vessels often regress, with only about 10% of babies progressing enough to require treatment.
ROP usually occurs in low birth weight infants born younger than 32 weeks and weighing less than 1500 g. Infants requiring supplemental oxygen therapy in a postnatal incubator are at higher risk.
For this reason, all babies born younger than 32 weeks and weighing less than 1500 g, and preterm infants who received cardiopulmonary support treatment despite being born over 32 weeks and weighing more than 1500 g, or who were "deemed risky for the development of ROP by the clinician following the baby", were born within 4-6 weeks after birth (at least early at week 30) ROP screening examination should be performed*. Babies diagnosed with ROP after these examinations are followed up at necessary intervals according to their stage until retinal vessel development is completed. Although the gold standard is laser therapy when treatment is required, in some cases where laser is not possible, intraocular anti-VEGF injection may be required.
In our ROP diagnosis-treatment center in our hospital, ROP scans and treatments are performed by a large group of doctors in cooperation with pediatric ophthalmology and retina units. All babies born prematurely and require eye screening, 4-6 days after birth. After the retinal scans are performed as often as necessary starting from the week of the first week, regular annual follow-ups are carried out in our ROP polyclinic from the age of 1 until the age of 5 years.
In our ROP center, we have laser compatible indirect ophthalmoscope used for diagnosis and treatment and 810 nm diode laser devices used in ROP treatment. Our center will further improve its experience in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of ROP with the upcoming arrival of the digital color fundus imaging device, which we have requested for the follow-up of vascular development and the objective evaluation of the effects of the treatments.
In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of our hospital, ROP screening is performed in newborns who are considered to be high risk by a neonatal specialist and a pediatrician. The treatment process is also carried out at the Eye Laboratory of the ROP Diagnosis and Treatment Center on Tuesdays, between 11:00 and 17:00 on weekdays.